Those who attended were treated to spectacular musicmaking – nowhere more evident than in the Britten Concerto. (…)
The Toronto Symphony players were as disciplined and as fine-sounding as the Mariinsky Orchestra throughout Thursday’s concert. Denève, in turn, showcased his talent for underlining and colouring and adding texture to music that all too easily can turn leaden. (…)
But at the hands of a master like Denève, it sounded alive, relevant and riveting. The most beautiful thing was witnessing how an orchestra can capture a listener’s attention and emotions as effectively with gossamer pianissimo playing as with ear-splitting fortissimos.
The whisper is an underappreciated tool in our noisy times – but Denève knows exactly how to use it. (…)
This week’s Toronto Symphony concerts with maestro Denève are not examples of light family entertainment; they are showcases of powerful musicianship, artfully applied.”